Friday, August 5, 2011

The Lord is with you...

This month I am going to try to use the famous story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50) to encourage someone who may be facing difficult times...

When Joseph was 17 years old his brothers sold him into slavery. He was taken to a foreign land (Egypt) where he was imprisoned and mistreated for 13 years! (Can you imagine being a slave in a foreign land at the age of 17???). Joseph was alone in a foreign land. No one searched for him (His father believed he was dead). His was wrongfully imprisoned and no one defended him. However...

In the middle of Joseph's story the Bible says, "The Lord was with Joseph" (Genesis 39:2, 39:21). Jospeh had absolutely nothing going for him except the fact that the Lord was with him! In reality, that is all he needed! In the end, Joseph was delivered from prison, exalted to the position of 'vice-president' in Egypt, and reunited with his father and his family. Today, he is remembered as a hero of the faith!

In Hebrews 13:5 the Lord promised every believer, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." At times we all find ourselves in situations that appear to be bleak. We may not have a lot "going for us". Times may be difficult. We may be alone. No one may seem to care. However, the one thing that never changes is that the Lord is with us (if you are his child). In reality, that is all we need! A job, savings account, education, home, family, and friends are all great things, but if I had to choose between having all those things, and having the Lord be with me, I would choose the Lord every time.

Today, I hope it lifts your spirit to simply be reminded that no matter where you are, and no matter how difficult and hopeless life may appear to be, if you are a child of God the Lord is with you! He has not forsaken you. Have a blessed August with the Lord!